VP-ARC has made a new type of classroom in Amiais, using one of the peripheric houses and its large grounds. Classes are already going on! The new classroom space will be used for the Virtual Worlds subject at the TeSP Gaming & e-Sports course of the School of Higher Education […]
3 posts
Oikoumeni is an ancient Greek word that means “the world that we know”. VP-ARC has commissioned 4 new water regions, Tranquil, Serene, Luminous and Boundless, to become the Oikoumeni Sea, linking the LOCUS Project Amiais @ SL regions to its closest neighbours in the VWEC continent (Eduverse): the Confederation of […]
VP-ARC has successfully worked for the inclusion of the LOCUS Project Amiais@SL into the Virtual Worlds Education Consortium continent in Second Life. The VWEC gathers research projects and institutions in geographical closeness to foster networking between educators. The joining in of the Amiais regions is an acknowledgement of their value […]